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FENTECH STONE MACHINERY offers a state-of-the-art gantry-type or cantilever waterjet cutting machines which are suitable for processing a variety of complex shapes as well as big slabs.

The waterjet cutting technology enables to cut precisely and gently even the hardest types of stone such as granite, marble, quarzite, ceramics. This utmost precise separation process offers high efficiency at high volumes, saves material, is versatile, and incurs very low tooling costs compared to cnc technology. The process is also very environmentally friendly, as no harmful vapours or gases are produced and the used water can be recycled.  

5-axis waterjet cutting technology has revolutionized the industry, offering a new level of flexibility and precision in the cutting process. This advanced technology enables you to create complex shapes and designs, impossible to do with traditional 3-axis machines. By the 5-axis version, a waterjet provides superior control and accuracy, making them indispensable for businesses seeking to stay ahead of the competition.

The process of waterjet cutting is a process of accelerated manufacturing of any different material. Water is compressed in a special pump and then released into a very small channel, passing the orifice and exiting the nozzle which can be directed into any angle and position before the water jet is entering and penetrating the workpiece. A mixing chamber can be added where the water amalgamates with a garnet, i.e. very fine sand of a pre-selected mesh. The mixture of water and sand particles erodes the workpiece at a very high speed, or in other words, it cuts through the material.